Become a partner

Future Academy For Specialized Education



The conditions and steps for joining the institute depend on the instructions received by the institute from the Ministry of Higher Education considering the institute is one of the private higher institutes under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, and they are the instructions stemming from Law No. (52) Of (1970) in the matter of organizing private higher institutes, and its regulations Issued by the Minister of Higher Education Decree No. (1088) for the year (1987), and the institute is committed to any changes that occur in these instructions before the start of the academic year according to the developments of the new circumstances. The following is a detailed explanation of the conditions and steps for joining the institute.

Bachelor’s degrees awarded


Bachelor of Management Information Systems (credit hours) 9/998 coordination stamp
Bachelor degree in Tourism Studies coordination stamp 3/987
Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management, coordination stamp 3/987
Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Guidance, coordination stamp 3/987


How to register:

Registration at the Institute for Egyptians: Holders of high school diplomas and technical diplomas of the current state are accepted online through the Coordination Office website

Registration at the institute for expatriates: the application is made through the international network of information through the website of the cultural affairs and missions sector in the ministry, provided that all procedures for admission are completed through the office of the administration of expatriates at the Ministry of Higher Education or by direct application in the Ministry of Higher Education in their country

Transferring to the institute:


1. The institute accepts students with qualifications from the previous academic year only.
2. The institute accepts transfers from the corresponding institutes for the higher teams, with a case statement and grades statement.
3. The institute also accepts students dismissed from other colleges and institutes.

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